NDT Reveal: The professional CAD-based GPR software for Construction and Building inspections

NDT Reveal

The professional CAD-based GPR software for Construction and Building inspections

NDT Reveal is the professional CAD-based GPR software for Construction and Building inspections. NDT Reveal allows you to successfully organize and share your GPR data whilst streamlining your workflow in data processing and analysis.

By providing a user-friendly interface with various visualisation options, including 2D and 3D scans, the software suite facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the scanned structures.

NDT Reveal platform easily integrates with CAD-based software, including BricsCad and Bricsys 24/7, and helps construction teams analyse, visualise and manage the GPR data collected by C-thrue and C-thrue XS devices.


With NDT Reveal, users can manage GPR data analysis and reporting in one place, with the easy integration of on-field inspection activities into the big picture of Building and Construction projects. NDT Reveal helps to optimise workflows of large complex projects: users can upload all collected data and collateral information such as photos, site sketches and CAD drawings, and make them accessible to all team members.

EsT | Equalized scrambled Technology (等化スクランブル技術)

EsT テクノロジーは、アンテナの放射性能全体を利用して GPR 信号を完全に制御することができ、最高のノイズ除去を行い、低周波と高周波の両方を捕捉して、深度範囲の拡大と高分解能を実現し、ユーティリティ探査の新たな可能性を提供します。

IDS GeoRadar が特許を取得したこの革新的な技術は、これまで達成できなかった GPR 性能を提供し、今まで深度範囲と分解能のどちらか一方でしか対応できなかった埋設物の位置特定を、深度範囲と分解能の両方にて行うことができるようになりました。EsT テクノロジーにより、Stream DP は、市場で入手可能な他のソリューションと比較して、より深いレンジで地下資産を最大限に検出する比類のない GPR 性能を提供することができます。

C-thrue XS Video

The smallest and lightest antenna on the market capable of detecting both shallow and deep targets.

The smallest and lightest antenna on the market capable of detecting both shallow and deep targets.

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